Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Eat Fried Worms

How to Eat Fried Worms
By Thomas Rockwell

Before I say anything your probably wonder how do you eat fried worms? You can eat them fried, boiled, or boiled, then fried in cornmeal smothered in ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and Horseradish. A boy named Billy and his friends, Joe, Alan, and Tom, made a bet to see if Billy could eat fifteen worms, one each day.

It all started one day when the posse of friends were making bets that they could do all of these things. Then Alan and Joe told Billy," Bet you can't eat fifteen worms.", and Billy said," I could.", and that's how "the bet" started. The bet was to see if Billy could eat fifteen worms in fifteen days, one each day, and the loser has to pay the winner fifty dollars.

The character that I like the best is Tom. He's mischievous and funny always poking out behind corners thinking that no one could see him.

This book is so good that I would recommend it to anyone with a sense of humor or justs wants a good laugh of gross out. This book, I would especially recommend to teachers to put in their class library so that their students could go pick out and read or the teacher can read the book out loud and the students will laugh and say,"eww".

This book is a funny, gross out comedy that everyone can enjoy.

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